Empower Your Wealth Strategy

Secure and grow it even further.

Protect Your Legacy

For your future prosperity.

Wealth Management Advisory

  • Investment Planning
  • Cash Management
  • Life Insurance Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Retirement Planning

Succession Planning

  • Business Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Exit Planning

Business Consulting

  • Tax Management Advisory
  • Operations Management Advisory
  • Financial Management

Corporate Trainings

  • Financial Management
  • Accounting for Entrepreneurs
  • Payroll Accounting
  • Accounts Receivable Specialist
  • Accounts Payable Specialist

About Me

i am a CPA, RFC, FchFP and CTEP.

I didn’t just wake up one day and decided I’m going to be a consultant. My desire to help businesses and individuals has always been my passion, and I made sure that I became the right person you can go to. I am backed by my multiple degrees, certifications, track record, awards, and founded organizations that all relate to my mission to secure financial literacy for every Filipino and every individual that I encounter.

This keeps me going, and this keeps me dedicated to all my clients.

How do I do it?

If you are looking for a quick fix to the problems that you are having, you have come to the wrong place. I do not specialize in quick fixes, because I’m not here to make a quick buck either: I am here to help you grow.

I don’t simply give you a pre-made manual or make you fill out forms. Every individual and business is unique, so I take the responsibility of growing your company or your wealth seriously. I take time in getting to know you and your goals and why they make the whole you. And together, we create a plan aligned to what you would like to happen, where you would like to go, and how we’re going to do it.

My Methodology = Your Transformed Future

Understanding The Individual and the Business


Casework Preparation


Financial Health Evaluation

Presentation of Recommendations

Decision Making

The Right Time Is Always Now

You can’t go back in time, and you can’t see into the future. That’s why the best time for you to start planning is always now. You no longer have to be intimidated by accounting or terms you’re not familiar with, because I am here for you – let my expertise and know-how make it easier for you.

Let us secure your wealth and make sure your business will continue to thrive in the decades to come. Let me help you, and together, we will achieve your goals for yourself, your family, and extend the same to the community and organizations you are involved with.

Hear Me Today

Learn more about how my specialized methodology will help you and your business.