Time To Move: Navigating Your Wealth, Charting Your Success

Time To Move: Navigating Your Wealth, Charting Your Success

Welcome to the beginning of a new chapter in your financial life. I understand that managing your wealth is about more than just numbers and charts – it’s about realizing your dreams, securing your future, and creating a legacy that lasts. I am dedicated to guiding you through the ever-changing landscape of finance, ensuring that every decision leads you closer to your personal and financial aspirations.


My Philosophy: Personalized Guidance for Every Step

I believe that effective wealth management is a journey, not a destination. As an experienced financial advisor, I am committed to understanding your unique situation, goals, and concerns. I don’t just offer advice; I offer a partnership. By getting to know you and your aspirations, I craft a bespoke financial strategy that aligns with your life’s objectives.

What I Offer: Comprehensive Financial Services


  1. Wealth Management: From investment strategies to estate planning, I provide comprehensive solutions tailored to safeguard and grow your wealth.
  2. Retirement Planning: Whether you’re years away or close to retirement, I help you navigate the complexities of retirement savings and income strategies.
  3. Estate Planning: Secure your legacy and ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes with my thorough estate planning services.
  4. Risk Management: Protect your wealth from unforeseen events with my personalized risk management solutions.

My Commitment: Building Your Success Story

Your financial success is my utmost priority. I am committed to providing you with not only the best financial advice but also with continuous support and education. I keep you informed and empowered, helping you understand your financial standing and the reasoning behind each strategy I propose.

Start Your Journey Today

Your financial well-being is at the heart of everything I do. Let me guide you through the intricacies of financial planning and wealth management. Together, we will navigate the waters of your financial journey and chart a course towards lasting success.

Contact me today to schedule a consultation and take the first step in transforming your financial future.

Am I Too Early or Too Late? When to Insure and Why?

Am I Too Early or Too Late? When to Insure and Why?

Is there such a thing as timing when it comes to getting insurance? While others believe you can be too young to be thinking or paying for premiums, others also believe it can be too late for some people depending on their age. What are the other kinds of insurance policies one should consider throughout the years?

The most common personal insurance is health insurance. Depending on the coverage, this insurance cushions most of the expenses an individual has to pay for when they get sick. Sometimes, they even get bigger payouts depending on their policy. In the Philippines, the law provides us with agencies that help us with hospital bills, but most of the time, it isn’t just enough.

The next is life insurance — it readies individuals for retirement, certain illnesses or accidents, and yes, eventual passing. While it seems morbid, it ensures that families will no longer have to worry about funeral expenses and other costs that come with death. While health insurance tends to expire after a certain period of time, depending on the contract and the provider, life insurance lasts until the policyholder withdraws their payout or until death.

Other kinds of individual insurance include travel insurance which is usually paid one time along with plane ticket fees, car insurance for automobiles, home insurance, and even pet insurance. For businesses, their insurances give them protection during untoward incidents such as natural disasters, damages, and even robberies. Insurances in general help people live more and worry less. So when is the right time to get one?

The short answer to the question of when you should get life insurance is: as soon as you can. Some types of businesses can’t even open without insurance, and individuals should never underestimate the power and comfort that insurance brings once they start working. While there is very little limit on who can get a life insurance policy, their age and lifestyle does affect the premium or payment to the company.

While it seems too early and your salary may be a little too small to support certain bills and fit in hobbies at the same time, the relief insurance brings is priceless especially when you start needing it. Once you finish paying for one policy, you are still young and can go for another one. The key is always in finding the right insurance provider who will give you the right advice and the right policy to go along with your plans for the future.

InspiraLife is looking for individuals who can and who will lead in the insurance industry. If you are interested, go to our Careers page now and find out how you can change your own life and others’ with us.

Insuring Lives, Insuring the Economy

Insuring Lives, Insuring the Economy

Every industry is part of the global economy. Every industry plays a part in making sure humanity moves forward and that the state of living improves. How does the insurance industry play its part, and how can you be part of this?

When it comes to insurance, most people only think of their own individual or family policies. But insurance is more than this. It is an industry that touches almost every other industry out there. Aside from personal life insurance, almost everyone has benefited from travel insurance or health insurance that gives financial protection in case of accidents. Businesses, especially banks and stores, are protected by insurance when it comes to untoward incidents. 

The insurance industry is vital to the protection of the economy. The Iowa Insurance Institute states that ”the protective safety net of insurance enables businesses to undertake higher-risk, higher-return activities than they would in the absence of insurance. These actions help businesses run successfully, which translate to more jobs and an increase in economic activity.”

In a way, businesses with good financial protection also protect their employees. Economic growth amounts to personal and financial growth for everyone. At this point in time, it is only necessary for everyone to have insurance of some form. 

But where can one find a legitimate insurance company that actually works and actually cares? PRU Life UK is one of the biggest and oldest insurance companies in the world, and as one of its agencies in the Philippines, Inspira aims to take everyone to the future by making sure they are financially protected and ready.

Be part of a team that will give Filipinos a financially-ready future. Inspira Life is looking for individuals who can and who care. Go to our Careers page now and find out how you can change your own life and others’ with us.

Lockdown As A Retirement Test

Lockdown As A Retirement Test

The immediate lockdown that we experienced is actually a test on whether we have the available resources to retire. This should be treated as a wake up call to check how we can do better in handling our finances. Remember, you have two choices at retirement: (1) enjoy your retirement, or (2) retire your enjoyment. The choice is always yours.

Time is everything

I would always go on to ask the participants in my trainings to tell me what they think is the difference between the dead and the living. This would puzzle most but when I start talking about what time does for us, it then dawns on them that the biggest difference between the dead and the living is time. Yes, time is everything. For the dead, their time is up. For us living, we still have time. With time we can still work to achieve our dreams and work on improving ourselves to discover our best version. 

Financial Security Is In

The pandemic in more ways than one showed us things we never would have paid attention to because of our busy lives. In an ironic way, it has slowed down our pace, made us look deeper into our lives and prioritize what matters most.

We realized that we can do without the luxuries that we were used to — spa treatments, dining out, travel, facials, massages and the like. As we looked at the luxury items in our closet, we even probably felt regret that we spent so much on these things which we now do not use. In fact, I believe that whenever we heard the words “new normal”  we were ready to scream. 

The reality of suddenly losing one’s income or assets due to the pandemic’s economic fallout made us rethink how we live and how we handle our finances.

Indeed, we need to change the way we spend our money. If you can’t sustain your family’s financial health during the five or six months of economic hardship, what will thirty years of retirement look like?

Stick to a plan

Having that saving mindset is like a muscle that you need to build over time. It’s like you learning to walk all over again. When you were a child, the more you practiced walking, the longer you could walk unassisted. The longer you walked, the easier it was to climb. 

The very first thing that we need to do about changing our mindset about saving is to stick to a life insurance plan. Why? A life insurance plan makes you pay for something that will give you savings in the end. It also adds up as a risk transfer tool for all that may happen to you. Interested in learning the secret of this? Set an online meeting via zoom.

31 Envelope Challenge

In the book of Rory Vaden entitled, Take the Stairs, he explained that taking the stairs is a mindset focused on making more disciplined choices day in and day out.

You see mindset matters. Back in 1999, I was someone who like you, looks forward to paydays. I will never forget that time when my husband and I walked around the university belt in Manila trying to sell the ink of the printer we had sold a few months ago just to have money for food that day.

We weren’t able to sell the ink that day. We passed by restaurants swallowing our saliva and along with it our appetite. We resolved, never again. 

My husband came home the following day giving me 31 envelopes. We filled it with 100 pesos and committed to spend only that amount everyday and to deposit whatever was left in the envelopes at the end of the month. It was not easy but it turns out, that was the breakthrough of our financial life.

How about you? What is your 31 envelope challenge?