Build A Sustainable Business

Build A Sustainable Business


Start your own business alongside accomplished business leaders in a company that is positioned to make its mark in the insurance industry.


Inspira is a Pru Life UK general agency promoting financial literacy among Filipinos through education and life insurance. It seeks to cultivate the habit of saving into the Philippine population through its well rounded and competent financial advisors.

  • We offer a proven business plan
  • Exciting travels and rewards
  • Coaching and mentoring from experienced agency leaders


We are looking for driven and self motivated individuals with entrepreneurial mindset to be part of our elite financial advisors whether on a full time or part time basis.


  • Excellent growth and advancement opportunities
  • Top benefits such as HMO, Savings Plan and Life Insurance
  • Top caliber trainings to give you the edge on your market
  • Travel incentives

Start Building A Pandemic-Proof Career Now

Discover why this career will put you on the road to financial independence.

The Purpose Driven Close

The Purpose Driven Close

Today, in the first virtual life insurance congress and MDRT day 2020, I share the stage with some of the people I look up to in the industry: Regina Bedoya, Bryan Heckert, Mark Hanna, Robert Young, colleagues in Pru Life UK Joan Chua and our President Jumbing De Rosas, famous basketball coach, Tim Cone and very esteemed colleagues in the industry. This is one of my bucket list. More importantly, this is an affirmation that indeed dreams do come true. Since the very first time I have attended my Annual MDRT Meeting in Philadelphia, I have dreamed of getting on that stage where the best of the best occupy. I believe that this is the first step in that journey.

My topic,  Purpose Driven Close is the catalyst of my career. They said that to be successful in sales you need to know how to sell. I believed otherwise. Before entering life insurance, I always felt a selling career was not for me. There was one thing my husband said that made me reconsider. It was that sales is never about selling, it is about educating people about what they want.

I believe that we can achieve whatever we want if we have the courage to believe that we can. What struck me about life insurance was the guarantee that your risks are managed. So my sales process made sure that I get to the purpose of financial planning: having the choice, control and dignity at any point in your life. That to me is financial freedom.

Read: Wealth Management Services

There are four standards of living that we know about: the highest is luxurious and in contrast to that is poverty. In the middle, which is why we call it middle class are two types of middle class: those living on necessity and those living a comfortable life. Understand that whatever standard of living you are in, you will need financial planning. The problem is we think that our breadwinner (man at work) will always be there and will be able to fulfil our dreams. The word positivity has become our philosophy to the point that we deny that anything bad can happen if we just maintain a positive outlook. The bad news is that untimely death, illness and disability can easily blow away our dreams. Think about this: why would a boat carry a lifeboat when all the crew will work towards making sure it reaches its destination safely? It is for the just in case scenarios. We would not want to be caught empty handed now, would we? This is why we need to build a partner for man at work. We call this partner money at work. We all have financial building blocks to develop so we can achieve financial independence and build a legacy. The most basic of financial planning is risk management. This is why we all start with life insurance. The good news is that life insurance policies now have the unit link feature which allows you to invest while building up your protection. What I do is to put together a plan that will help you achieve what you want to happen in your life. Thus, the purpose driven close. If this is something you would like to explore, I would love to hear from you.

The Role of Women in Shaping The Finances of a Household

The Role of Women in Shaping The Finances of a Household

In my recently concluded webinar on this topic, it was interesting to note that most women are the ones who budget the finances of the household. This may be because of women’s keen attention to details and ability to organize and multi task. Yes, the role of women has evolved throughout the years. The changes from a stay at home parent tending to the kids and the household to a working parent still finding time to balance between the responsibilities of work and the family are not a small laughing matter. Yet, let me just make it clear that gender plays no role in financial success. Truly, that is a function of financial literacy. In fact, in one of the surveys conducted on financial literacy, it appeared that men are 5% more financially literate than women.

Coming from my experience as a mother to three beautiful kids, I taught the lesson on needs and wants everytime we did grocery. I loved going to the grocery with them. At first, it was just to let them fill our cart with what was on my grocery list. If one saw a lollipop or anything else that they wanted, I would always ask if that is necessary. I made them imagine what it would be like eating it. (It was easy because they loved doing the imagine game as kids!) Then I would then make them compare that feeling with another thing they want. Then I would ask them which one they like better. It is then that that they decide which one to buy. When they got older, they took turns making the grocery list. We still went through the same exercise about needs and wants. The only difference this time was that they now had real experience on the things they want, garnered from tasting some food from the lunch boxes of their classmates or playing a gadget their classmates owned. It thrilled me every time they were able to come up with a decision, no matter that the decision may be petty for us adults.

Cash management is a very important aspect in our adult life but it has to be started early on. I started my kids on the concept of saving when they started grade school. I emphasized that saving is a habit that they had to do consistently and until they grow old. So, we opened a junior savings account for each one of them. Needless to say, they had their accounts since they were in first grade. They had their first US trip in 2019 and we made them use their ATMs for the first time. We wanted to test how effective were our lessons on budgeting was. Luckily, we all came home with their accounts still open. They had varied practices in terms of spending but one stark attitude I saw was they were always thinking about what they wanted to buy, comparing prices and looking for alternatives before settling for a buy. No one was an impulsive buyer. It was hilarious when my eldest daughter told us when we were done going around the outlets and eating dinner already that while she was at the outlets, she could almost hear me whispering to her asking whether it was really necessary to buy what she wanted. I was happy to find out that they had sound money habits. Those moments together that we had when they were young were very precious moments that I think has framed their money mindset.

Indeed, best practices start at home. Mothers are the go to for anything that their children need. This results in more interaction. More interaction means more influence. The households finances play a big role in the family’s dynamics. As mothers, I believe it is our role to bring the family’s finances to the forefront and shape the best future for the whole family, together with our husbands.


5 Reasons I Chose To Become A Financial Advisor

5 Reasons I Chose To Become A Financial Advisor

A lot of us spend a lifetime looking for the career that will fit us. I am blessed, it only took 15 years of my professional life before I found a purposeful career. It started with my husband being sold an insurance policy by his long time friend. He got interested in the opportunity but instead of him going into the business, he asked me to do it. Being the obedient wife, I just followed. Little did I know that it would be what I have been looking for.

1. We are not paid to enjoy our job because it ceases to become a job when we already enjoy doing it.

I was very apprehensive when my husband asked me to enter the life insurance industry. One, I did not know how to sell and second I am not fond of talking to people. I am an introvert. Truly, there is grace in obedience. Little did I know that I will be educating people on finance (which is my passion) and this is what will change their lives. What started out as a job now became my passion. Before I knew it, it became a part of me. Needless to say, I enjoy helping people reach their financial objectives to this day.

2. An important aspect of our life that serves to define who we become is our career.

Our careers serve as a manifestation of who we are and who we would like to become. Therefore, to do well in any career, it needs to be in alignment with our principles in life. This career challenged the best and the worst in me. Overtime, this made me acknowledge my limitations so I can go beyond them to live the kind of life we all preferred. Overall, this career brought out the best in me.

3. You will get all you want in life if you help others get what they want.

My prayer has always been to be in an industry that will empower other people. This is why my husband and I founded Saavedra Songalia and Associates and Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy. This is to empower businesses to reach their fullest potential. However, without a solution to their needs having known through our coaching, whatever we do will not be successful. Life insurance is overall a tool to transfer risks. Businesses and individuals need to transfer their risks so they can sustain the lifestyle that they have worked hard for. This is why I do what I do. I do not only sell life insurance. I sell programs using life insurance to help you achieve your dreams.

4. Financial literacy will sustain your standard of living.

Man at work needs a partner. We call this partner, money at work. Money at work needs to be big enough to let the family stay at their preferred standard of living. Nothing needs to change if something happens to man at work. After all, our dreams do not change with the demise of a loved one, right? We continue living. Protecting our life from risks, therefore, brings our priorities into perspective and our love for family to the forefront. It is as if we are saying: “Don’t worry I have you covered” and really mean it when the time comes. Having the choice, control and dignity at any point in our lives is financial freedom.

5. No amount of success will replace the failure of family.

A career that enables you to be present in the life of your kids is priceless. A career that gives you time to spend on what matters is God given. A career that provides for the needs of the family without taking you away from them is worth it. This is what I found in my career as a financial advisor. This is also why I am sharing this opportunity to everyone. As I grow my team, one step at a time, it is my fervent prayer that you who is reading this will be one of those who will be blessed with this opportunity. After all we are destined to be the best version of ourselves. Only the right mentor will bring you there. Join me. Together, let’s inspire one life at a time.

Let Us Start To Slowly Open The Economy

Let Us Start To Slowly Open The Economy

Yes, I am for the opening of the economy. This, however does not mean that I am not for health. Health will always be our wealth. Over the last several months, I have been in contact with a lot of individuals and organizations, probably making those months the busiest time in my life. I feel everyone. I understand what staying home and staying safe means. I did that. My family did that. We only went out for grocery, once every two weeks, and relied on delivery most of the time. I am sure all of us tried. All of us did what we can. It all came out beautifully. We all cared. This pandemic brought out a caring community. We finally understood that we all are interconnected. For once, we were able to appreciate the clear skies, the lack of traffic, our family, our skills and most of all our resilience. 

I have seen how businesses tried to come up with innovative ways to maintain the income of their employees. I have seen how the big corporations stepped up to help our government provide the needs of the general population. I have seen how we all submitted to authority, how we readily gave up our rights and freedom just to support the call to flatten the curve of Covid – 19.  We all have learned. 

We have learned that our lives can be altered in one instant. We have learned that even in isolation, we need the voices of people who care to keep our faith for better days ahead. We have learned that what we have is not enough; that we will constantly be in need of somebody else to complete our needs. We have learned that whatever we do, there is a Master, who plans all things. 

I have been a Financial Advisor since 2010 and a management consultant since I was 25. I have never experienced what I have experienced now. I have weathered the 2008 financial crisis. I have seen how the Philippines got back on its feet. What I have not seen in my entire career is the the utter confusion of people on how to move forward. Their uncertainty on what the future holds. Their fear on what is to come. We all had different experiences when we all went through shock, denial, frustration and depression before we finally tried to experiment on what will work so we can make a decision and move on to make changes so we can integrate in the new normal.  I greatly appreciate to have read all these concepts that the Kubler-Ross Change Curve speaks of because it finally gave a description to what I have been going through myself. This is why I know that we have learned. I know that the moment we get our income back, we will be more mindful and set aside amounts to create the financial foundation for our needs. 

These are unprecedented times. No one has the right formula. We all will experiment and see what works. I am for the opening of the economy because people need to sustain life. We are not made to be hidden. We are bound to socialize. I know that sounds bizarre because going out there will expose us to the virus. Yet we do know that staying locked down is not going to be sustainable, either. The gross inequality in our income levels makes this very difficult. We take care of those who need to earn to provide for their needs. We take care of the breadwinners who need to work to provide for their families. We all take care that we give an equal opportunity to those who need it the most. I understand the fear but we cannot let it cripple us. We learn from those who have opened their economies. We follow the safety protocols. We commit to a hygiene routine. We make sure to keep social distancing. We adapt. We subject ourselves to stringent health checks. We make sure we boost our immune system by eating well. We all need to do this and slowly open the economy. By opening the economy, we also slowly claim back our lives. We go back to basics and focus on what truly matters. Us. No virus should prevent us from living the life we were destined to live.