5 Reasons I Chose To Become A Financial Advisor

by | Jun 16, 2020 | Financial Advisor Career

A lot of us spend a lifetime looking for the career that will fit us. I am blessed, it only took 15 years of my professional life before I found a purposeful career. It started with my husband being sold an insurance policy by his long time friend. He got interested in the opportunity but instead of him going into the business, he asked me to do it. Being the obedient wife, I just followed. Little did I know that it would be what I have been looking for.

1. We are not paid to enjoy our job because it ceases to become a job when we already enjoy doing it.

I was very apprehensive when my husband asked me to enter the life insurance industry. One, I did not know how to sell and second I am not fond of talking to people. I am an introvert. Truly, there is grace in obedience. Little did I know that I will be educating people on finance (which is my passion) and this is what will change their lives. What started out as a job now became my passion. Before I knew it, it became a part of me. Needless to say, I enjoy helping people reach their financial objectives to this day.

2. An important aspect of our life that serves to define who we become is our career.

Our careers serve as a manifestation of who we are and who we would like to become. Therefore, to do well in any career, it needs to be in alignment with our principles in life. This career challenged the best and the worst in me. Overtime, this made me acknowledge my limitations so I can go beyond them to live the kind of life we all preferred. Overall, this career brought out the best in me.

3. You will get all you want in life if you help others get what they want.

My prayer has always been to be in an industry that will empower other people. This is why my husband and I founded Saavedra Songalia and Associates and Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy. This is to empower businesses to reach their fullest potential. However, without a solution to their needs having known through our coaching, whatever we do will not be successful. Life insurance is overall a tool to transfer risks. Businesses and individuals need to transfer their risks so they can sustain the lifestyle that they have worked hard for. This is why I do what I do. I do not only sell life insurance. I sell programs using life insurance to help you achieve your dreams.

4. Financial literacy will sustain your standard of living.

Man at work needs a partner. We call this partner, money at work. Money at work needs to be big enough to let the family stay at their preferred standard of living. Nothing needs to change if something happens to man at work. After all, our dreams do not change with the demise of a loved one, right? We continue living. Protecting our life from risks, therefore, brings our priorities into perspective and our love for family to the forefront. It is as if we are saying: “Don’t worry I have you covered” and really mean it when the time comes. Having the choice, control and dignity at any point in our lives is financial freedom.

5. No amount of success will replace the failure of family.

A career that enables you to be present in the life of your kids is priceless. A career that gives you time to spend on what matters is God given. A career that provides for the needs of the family without taking you away from them is worth it. This is what I found in my career as a financial advisor. This is also why I am sharing this opportunity to everyone. As I grow my team, one step at a time, it is my fervent prayer that you who is reading this will be one of those who will be blessed with this opportunity. After all we are destined to be the best version of ourselves. Only the right mentor will bring you there. Join me. Together, let’s inspire one life at a time.

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